R- Naught Value a Calculating Factor
R- Naught Value a Calculating Factor
'R0 value, is a mathematical value. By which we can calculate the spreading of infectious disease.
It is also known as (R- naught value). R- naught value is the basic reproductive number of
any micro infectious disease.
R- naught value is using the calculating of average new person who is infected first time by
the virus or bacteria through infected person. R-naught value is calculating only for new
infected person who had no vaccination before.
1. Infectious Period
2. Contact Rate
On the basis of R- naught value we can calculate the Number of Hospitals, Number of Beds in Hospitals and Number of Doctors.
Also note that, For only one disease the R- naught value would be different at different areas.
According to the Study, The value of R- naught for the COVID -19 is different at different areas.
The average value of R-naught is 4.5 in the case of COVID -19. This means at least 4 to 5 persons
are infecting by single person.
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